Pointers to my ski Blogs
by Ron Lichty
I'm in my second season training to complete a cross-country ski marathon to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
This year's blog: http://www.teamintraining.org/personalpages/page.adp?user_id=156079&event_id=549156
Last year's blog: http://www.teamintraining.org/personalpages/page.adp?user_id=156079&event_id=160237
Cross-country ski marathon length, striders (what I did last year): 25K
My goal this year: 35K
Longest training day so far this year: 19K
Date of the event, the West Yellowstone Rendezvous: Sat., March 12
Minimum fundraising required to participate: $3,500
Raised last year: $5,448.47
Goal this year: $7,000
Raised so far this year: $3,782.50